Thursday, November 20, 2014

Final Project- Ideas and Inspirations

Below are a jumble of things depicting colors, subjects, styles (2d, 3d), art forms that inspire me.  For my Final Project, I would like to combine all of these elements.  I usually work in abstract form however I would like to mix the two (abstract and realism).  If I can use perspective to create wonderful tall building and make the road into swirls of geometrical shapes and then add the beautiful colors we see in nature, I would feel complete.  

I know I have a lot here and my scope is large.  Hopefully, once I start to put pen, pencil, maker to paper the direction will become more clear.  I would like to start with perspective drawing of building as I have always wanted to do this and then if I can add abstract 1d, 2d within the piece, I believe my vision will feel complete.  Thank you. 






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